Grow with Feeling

Grow with Feeling 

MyBrandTruth works with brands in FMCG, IOT, EdTech, FoodTech, SAAS and Media to grow their businesses with feeling.

Jeff Bezos values his feelings to make big decisions over the huge volume of personal buying data Amazon amasses. Is he really being honest? In his book Start with Why, Simon Sinek explains that there is biological proof to explain why Jeff is actually telling the truth. 

Our behaviours are driven by the inner part of our brain called the limbic brain which controls both our feelings and decision making capabilities. The outer part of our brain, the Neocortex, manages analyses. The big difference between the two is that the Neocortex does not control decision making, 

That is why Jeff, and the rest of us, use language like “it just felt right” when we try to explain how we make big decisions. We are using our limbic brain that can’t verbalise our reasoning. In short, as humans we make decisions most naturally from a feeling rather than fact point of view.

This has huge implications for the way we position brands. Focusing on an emotional truth that connects with people’s feelings is more effective than selling them facts. The Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (IPA) proved this by analysing 1400 case studies of the most successful and effective advertising campaigns over the last three decades.

Their analysis compared campaigns that relied most on emotional appeal versus those which used rational persuasion and information. Their conclusion - advertising campaigns with purely emotional content performed about twice as well as those with only rational content.
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