Grow with Difference

 Grow With Difference

If you want to grow your business faster, you need to understand how to inspire customers with a truth that makes you different not just better than the competition. 

Henry Ford knew he needed to inspire people to think differently because his key competitor was the horse and cars were less reliable and more expensive.

So Henry positioned his Model T with a difference that changed the way people thought about the motor car, offering high priced quality in a low priced car. The average American was challenged to rethink the idea that reliable cars had to be expensive and it could be possible to have a high quality car at a low price. That was an inspirational idea.

Being better is good but being different is inspirational because it harnesses the power of the emotional and connects to our limbic brain, the part of our brain that makes decisions. Claiming to be just better is asking to be compared against the competition. It’s factual and functional, forcing you to play by the rules of your competitors not your own. It’s also proven to be far less effective (IPA Campaign Effectiveness study 2017)

Apple were so confident in their now famous launch advert for the new Macintosh that they ran it only once, in the middle of the 1984 US Super Bowl. The advert didn’t say anything about the attributes and features of a Macintosh or why it was better than an IBM computer. IBM were in fact much better at building computers than Apple so the new Macintosh factually wasn’t better, but it was different. 

Apple inspired people to think about computers in a new way, in a way that was personal and not corporate. That was an inspirational idea.
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